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Title Methodological issues & strategies in clinical research / edited by Alan E. Kazdin.
Imprint Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, [2016]
Edition Fourth edition.
Book Cover
 SMHS Library RPH  WM 105 MET 2016    AVAILABLE
 SMHS Library RPH  616.890072 MET 2016    AVAILABLE


Phys. Description xviii, 703 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Bibliog. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Methodology: what it is and why it is important -- Beginning the research process: key concepts that can guide a study -- Getting out of our conceptual ruts: strategies for expanding conceptual frameworks -- Translational research -- In defense of external invalidity -- When small effects are impressive -- Most people are not WEIRD -- The neglected 95%: why American psychology needs to become less American -- Amazon's Mechanical Turk: a new source on inexpensive, yet high-quality data? -- Random sampling, randomization, and equivalence of contrasted groups in psychotherapy outcome research -- Experimental and observational designs: an overview -- Constructing validity: basic issues in objective scale development -- Selecting measures for research investigations -- Measurement and assessment: an editorial view -- Methodological issues in assessment research with ethnic minorities -- On the origins of the .05 level of statistical significance -- Things I have learned (so far) -- A power primer -- Statistical significance testing and cumulative knowledge in psychology: implications for training of researchers -- An effect size primer: a guide for clinicians and researchers -- The proof of the pudding: an illustration of the relative strengths of null hypothesis, meta-analysis, and bayesian analysis -- Designing better graphs by including distributional information and integrating words, numbers, and images -- Collecting client feedback -- Revisiting and reenvisioning the outcome problem in psychotherapy: an argument to include individualized and qualitative measurement -- Beyond efficacy and effectiveness: a multifaceted approach to treatment evaluation -- Methodological challenges in treatment outcome research with ethnic minorities -- The epistemology of mathematical and statistical modeling: a quiet methodological revolution -- Qualitative research and its place in psychological science -- Single-case experimental research designs -- Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct -- Research ethics: how to treat people who participate in research -- Research ethics for mental health science involving ethnic minority children and youths -- False-positive psychology: undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant -- Why has the number of scientific retractions increased? -- Best practices for allocating appropriate credit and responsibility to authors of multi-authored articles -- Shall we really do it again? The powerful concept of replication is neglected in the social sciences -- The empirical march: making science better at self-correction -- Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology -- Reporting standards for research in psychology: why do we need them? What might they be? -- Publication and communication of research findings -- Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin -- Methodology: perspectives and general lessons to guide research.
Subject Psychology, Clinical -- methods.
Research Design.
Other Number 2015017881
Alt Author Kazdin, Alan E., editor.
American Psychological Association, issuing body.
Alt Title Methodological issues and strategies in clinical research
ISBN 9781433820915 (hc)
1433820919 (hc)
9781433820922 (pbk.)
1433820927 (pbk.)